The Goal of Little League...
To help youngsters develop citizenship, discipline, teamwork and physical well being. To help youngsters learn their own strengths & weaknesses, the meanings of sportsmanship, competition, and the qualities that make good leadership. WLL also teaches players to always give back to the community when they can.
Tball (ages 4-6) **You must play 1 year of Tball when you start WLL, you cannot move straight to Instructional **
***Please review the age charts listed on the bottom right side of our website to see when your child qualifies to start playing WLL***
Instructional Baseball/ Instructional Softball (ages 7-8)
Minors Division - Minors Baseball/ Minors Softball (ages 9-10)
Majors Division- Majors Baseball/Majors Softball (ages 11-12)
50/70 Division (age 13)
Junior Division (ages 14-16) *depending on how many teams/players*
Senior Division (ages 15-16) *depending on how many teams/players*